1st in our series ‘Climate impact on Building Performance’ – Carrigaline Passive House

Carrigaline Passive House AHD 1996-2015 solar irradiation, 2000-2019 all other meteorological parameters. Average AHD: 15.79 kWh/m2.a

Carrigaline Passive House SHL 1996-2015 solar irradiation, 2000-2019 all other meteorological parameters. Average SHL: 10.37W/m2
This is the first in our 8-part series ‘Climate impact on Building Performance’. Completed in 2010, this was our very first project that met the Passive House standard! Already on site when Strathclyde University ran the first English Speaking Passive House Designer Course, on review, the only design modification necessary to achieve the standard was an adjustment to the solar transmittance g-factor. Although clearly optimised for the Cork climate, it performs to the PH standard well into the Irish midlands, meeting both Annual Heat Demand and Specific Heat Load parameters. We put this down to well-placed fenestration, shading and good form factor. The U-Values were modest. The BER is A3 (56.72 kWh/m2.a). This project, facilitated by wonderful clients, gave us great confidence on our Passive House Journey. 14 years on, we are back to oversee minor services upgrades and remedial works, which will achieve an A1 BER rating without touching the fabric. FABRIC 1st!!
To read more about this house, click HERE