Full House at Passive House Briefing
Last Thursday’s Passive House Briefing in Cork was fully booked out with attendants travelling from all over Ireland. We would like to thank everyone who attended the event at the Architecture Factory, Cork and would especially like to thank our speakers at the event, Pat Barry of the IGBC, Brian Keehan of Akzo Nobel, Raymond O’Reilly of Quinn Building Products, Niall Crossan of Ecological Building Systems and our own Jenny Kenefick.
We would also like to thank Katherine Keane, Head of the Architecture Department and CIT for generously hosting the event.
See some snapshots from the event below…

Pat Barry of IGBC speaking at the PH Briefing on the Home Performance Index

Brian Keehan of Akzo Nobel speaking on why Akzo Nobel embarked on acquiring Environmental Product Declarations

Raymond O’Reilly of Quinn Building Products speaking on the detailing and applications of Quinn’s Lightweight Block Systems

Niall Crossan of Ecological Building Systems speaking on Gutex Wood Fibre Board Insulation and Environmental Product Declarations

Jenny Kenefick of WMA presenting a case study on how Passive House can help deliver HPI

Questions and Answer session…