International Passive House Open Day, November 11th, 2017
Book you place now on www.phai.ie !
The wonderful owners of our A1 rated West Cork Certified Passive House, have again, this year, agreed to open their doors to a limited number of visitors for this years International Passive House Open Day.
This is a unique opportunity to experience first hand, the exceptional comfort a Passive House provides.
The architects will be giving talks on passive house performance and on the new nZEB standards, where all new buildings must meet the nearly zero-energy standard by 31 December 2020(Art. 9.1(a)), and how Passive House can comfortably achieve nZEB. The incredible results of a full year’s monitoring data will also be presented.
Last year was a huge success, with all spaces booked out, so please book and register early, with the Passive House Association of Ireland – www.phai.ie to avoid any disappointment.
There are three time slots to chose from -11:00, 12:00 or 13:00. When registering please indicate your favoured time and we will endeavor to accommodate your preference!
We look forward to seeing you on November 11th, 2017.
For see more information on this project, please click here.